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What is Gashmius?

Gashmius: Towards A Progressive neo-Hasidism  is an online magazine dedicated to Jewish mystical thought, practice, and culture. We are committed to a heterodox, non-hierarchical, and God-obsessed Judaism that is rooted in, but not confined to, Hasidic sources and teachings. We subscribe to the Hasidic teaching that holiness is found in all of gashmius, or physicality, and our obligation to recognizing and uplifting that holiness guides both our religiosity and our progressivism.


We seek to publish essays, divrei torah, manifestos, poetry, visual art, interviews, reviews, scholarship that is not for the sake of scholarship alone, and more, and to make the wealth of Jewish mystical spirituality and discourse accessible to whoever might find it transformative. Our hope is to create a platform for both well-known and unknown writers, artists, and teachers, and we are eager to hear from those whose lives or identities are at the margins of Jewish culture and community. 


Gashmius believes that a progressive Neo-Hasidism has the potential to uplift and to heal the Jewish community and the world. We invite you to join us, as a reader or as a contributor.

If you want to learn more about our title, Gashmiusour team has written up a brief summary of the history and meaning of the word and what that has to do with our values, our vision, and our goals.

What is gashmius?
what is neo-hasidism?

Gashmius: pronounced /GOSH-me-yus/

The yiddish form of the word, gashmiut, meaning material or "mundane".

Below, we've linked a few resources pertaining to Gashmius and neo-Hasidism.

We hope that you might find them interesting and useful as you embark on your journey!

Learn about avodah b'gashmius and why this Hasidic teaching is central to the work of Gashmius Magazine. 

A brief, non-comprehensive overview of the origins of Hasidism and neo-Hasidism.

Audio and visual learning materials that can provide introductory & supplimentary knowledge about neo-Hasidism.

Gashmius Magazine's work is made possible through the generous support of The Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, as well as the generous contributions of our readers.


Co-founder &


Langstein Photo August 2023.png

Managing Editor


Creative Director


Materials Manager

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